Losing Track
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Me: I am going out for a walk, I will be about an hour
Him: OK, see you soon
Three hours later….
Text Message: Where are you, this is way over an hour?
Me: Sorry, I wandered off the track and lost my panties over a tree
Molly Moore - Author, Blogger, Photographer, Speaker, Director of Operations @Eroticon Find me in my corner of the internet at Molly's Daily Kiss and on Twitter @mollysdailykiss
Lol! This is too cute! The way you, in your white top, and those snowy knickers stand out against the bare trees and fallen leaves is awesome. Very pure :-), amidst all that winter darkness. The way you’re positioned in that tree, too, suggests all sorts of interesting things. Were you climbing it pant-less? Did you drop your pants accidentally? Were you tempted to leave them for someone to find as a very sexy Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb? Jane xxx
You know what, I have never thought of doing that (leaving my panties) but now you have put that idea in my head I might have to play with it….
There’s an almost innocent playful quality to the image I really like. And I always love pics that are taken outside. Plus you’ve got a really nice ass
Ha! That is too funny. My man would love to get a text back from me like that…”I lost my panties over a tree…” I’m laughing out loud. Cute tush, by the way.
I have to be honest, I was too busy looking at you to even notice the panties in the beginning! I’m with Jane, a cute pair of pure white knickers left hooked over the tip of a branch would be incredibly funny, and deliciously wicked 😀
That’s just awesome!! Lololol
Molly, the playfulness you bring to your pictures is intoxicating and inspiring. xx Hy
This is awesome, so playful and fun. And your words resonate with me too, I’m forever getting distracted when we’re out with the camera!
Ah, such a strange world we live in, where this would be seen as strange to have this communication.
And I love your pose, it’s elegant. And as always, you seem so at home in nature.
Such a great excuse. One that definitely with any guy will get them running to try and find us.
Love this photo too. It’s brilliant, sexy and incredible as always.
xxx Miss July xxx
Love the playfulness of this image!
This is so playful. My mind is full of the games that could lead to this.
Oh I laughed at this, dear Molly 🙂 Lovely image xx
For some inexplicable reason, I’ve lost my train of thought…
I adore everything about this – the contrast of your beautiful skin against nature’s darker lushness, the mischievous words and pose, the haze and dreamy light.
Thank you for being such a beautiful inspiration.
~M x
Love it. This is beautiful. It looks like a victorian age pic.
Too, too cute!
The lost panties. I love your pictures, Molly.
This photo convinces me more than ever that you are a wood nymph or a fairy or some other magical forest creature. There is always a story in your photos and a sense of joy that is unmistakable.
Molly luvvie you make me grin! Thats the sort of thing I do (and have done, I daresay some cuckoo or sommat has a nice warm nest now). Its a lovely pic babe, happy and full of fun and mischief, and btw, I love your bum xxxxx
Uh-oh!! That seems like a happy accident to me 😉
That would be a tantalising text to receive…
~Kazi xxx
I like this photo (and many others of your pictures, only the words I don’t all understand, I’m still learning).
I haven’t the courage, my photos to publish in web…
Have a great Advent-time 🙂
Omg, I am dying over here, wow if I was a fly on a tree. At least you had a great time, sometimes wandering off will do that to you.
Oh dear! I thought that was a bear trap on the ground when I first saw this photo. I see the naughty girl has just taken off her panties.