In order to create last weeks Sinful Sunday triptych I had to crop all 3 in various ways. The final result was something that I was very pleased with but I am also very proud of each one as a stand alone image therefore I thought it would be nice to show off all three in their full spring time glory!
I took this image right back in February, when it felt a lot more like winter than spring even in the sunshine. it was taken in the graveyard of a ruined church about 6 miles from my home. I took a few other images on that day that I might post in time but this was my favourite as I really liked how the snowdrop and my toe was in focus. Moment after this shot was taken 2 elderly ladies came through the gate but luckily they didn’t seem to notice me as they walked up the path to the ruins giving me time to get my trousers back on.
I took this one in the middle of March. The weather was gloriously and I happily trotted around this small woodland, whilst my son played football in the field behind it, in just my England panties and little vest taking shots in different spots. Again, I have some more from this location that I actually love better than this one, but it was the one that fitted best into the triptych. The bright sunlight made it a tricky shot as my camera was actually in the shade and as a result there is some noise in the image but with a bit of post production I have gotten rid of the worst of it.
Finally the last of the wild spring flowers to bloom; the Bluebells. I had been watching this woodland for the last couple of months, going back regularly to check up on their progress. When I had the idea for the triptych I had yet to take this image as the flowers had yet to bloom but luckily a few days before the competition they finally started to show off their colours. Although not truly a sea of blue quite yet, it was just enough to get this shot.
I am not sure I have a favourite. I really like all of them for different reasons. Technically, with regards to clarity, focus, colours etc the snowdrops and bluebells is probably the best, but I have come to the conclusion that technically perfect images, which the internet and in particular the main stream media is awash with might be just that, technically perfect, but that doesn’t make them good. In fact often it makes them very dull indeed. For me I find the truth far more interesting than perfection.
Definitely bluebells.
I have a big thing for them; and there are (well used to be) loads of patches in Wendover Woods. When I was much younger, I had a hope that my first kiss would be in a carpet of bluebells: alas, it wasn’t, but I still have that ingrained love of the delicate plants.
amazing photos…love that they are full of flowers
I’m glad you posted these individually! I enjoyed the triptych, but now that I see the Snowdrops image up close, I can see all of the detail in it better, and I love it even more!
Whoopeee more of Molly frolics among spring blooms. Gorgeous images again xxx
Bluebells , absolutely. And yes, technically perfect images are rarely the best. It is often the small flaws in a thing that make it stand out I think.
oh Molly, they’re all so beautiful, you are truly talented with your photography, you create and capture such gorgeous images, I love them all too, I couldn’t pick a favourite.
Each and every one of these images are wonderful. They make me wish that I could get some outdoor pics. The bluebells are beautiful – one of my favourite flowers. I love the joy of you in that image.
You are so right that imperfection is more often than not the perfect shot. I find that the imperfections in a particular image are sometimes what makes it so interesting!
For me I love all the images because I adore spring flowers and with you in them it makes them even more delicious!
I also have a bluebell wood that I am keeping an eye on and I think that by sometime next week the blooms should be in all their glory – I love the springtime as it heralds the summer and (hopefully) some long hot summer days……….
~Mia~ xx
I love them all! and I’m insanely jealous… my crocuses aren’t even in bloom yet and you have such lovely flowers there!
~Kazi xxx
Snowdrops was my favorite of the three images by themselves, but they are all outstanding. The best wildflower of the bunch is still Molly!
Just wow! Each one of these images is beautiful. My personal favourite is the snowdrops. I love the light and shadow in this one and the blur gives it a dreamy quality. You always take amazing photographs Molly xx
frolicking in pretty flowers how lovely!
MMMMMMM Gorgeous photos!!!! The woods in the second photo are gorgeous I love huge trees like that they remind me of my childhood and playing outside in the sun.
very artistic nude pictures !
Each one of these are absolutely wonderful! I think my favorite is the 3rd, though.
What gorgeous shots from a stunning women.
These make me so jealous of the weather there. There is nothing but brown grass to pose in here! Beautiful.
I absolutely love all of these but the bluebells has to be my favourite. I love your pose, I love the flowers, the colours and your skin looks so lovely and soft. Beautiful.
A sinful spring beginning!
I’ve always admired how you photograph in nature. My favorite is the blue bells. You look like a nymph in the field, enjoying the arrival of Spring. xxx
What a gorgeous sight you are, as always. We wish we were half as bold as you. While all three images are breathtakingly erotic, the middle image may get extra points for the unobstructed view of your lovely face.