Blowin’ in the Wind
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Sometimes the erotic all about what you don’t show
Ps… Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with Sinful Sunday and February Photofest
Molly Moore - Author, Blogger, Photographer, Speaker, Director of Operations @Eroticon Find me in my corner of the internet at Molly's Daily Kiss and on Twitter @mollysdailykiss
This image is full of the intoxication of what is not there…..
ps – it did make me smile!
Love the drained colour of this. Gorgeous shot.
I love this image, Molly. Nothing is more erotic that what we can imagine in our own mind.
Yes it is love it is a good thing I know already what body fits under that lingerie. Too cute!
I love this image!!! Very creative and a great feel.
Very Sexy Xx
lovely image it is beautiful!
Perfect image. I’m left thinking not only about photographic technique, but also what happened before, during, and after this shot!
Gorgeous, subtly erotic shot!
This is so haunting and sexy and lovely. It makes me wonder so many things but, most of all, how that lovely little number came to be hanging there … Jane xxx
Very clever shot, the tones are glorious, as is the lovely little item hanging provocatively on the branches. Love it
Flip x
That’s certainly erotic.
I find myself looking around to find you in the photo. Beautiful, erotic shot!
Rebel xox
Very enticing shot!
~Kazi xxx
Did you go frolicking off without your clothes again? 😉
I adore this beuatiful and subtly erotic image 🙂 x
that picture should be hanging in a gallery
very lovely
Stunning and wonderfully clever!
Xxx – K
I presume that this means that there has been a naked woman frolicking in the English countryside again?! 😉
Oh my, that is absolutely wonderful photography – so evocative!
That is one gorgeous image.
[…] new panties blowing in the wind…. (inspired by Molly’s post “Blowin’ In The Wind”, sorry I have a similar post title Molly I had chosen it before I went looking for your post to […]