No Charge

by Molly Moore
Just say no, BDSM hard limits urethral sounding

One of the first times we ever went to a Fetish Fair together one of the stall holders was selling E-stim products. As we looked around they beckoned us over and offered as a demonstration. We watched and listened and then he offered a more hands on experience. At first it felt like a little tingle, not unpleasant but not nice either, kind of like the beginning of pins and needles but gradually it increased and as the tingling started to run up my arm it made me feel sick. I don’t know why the sensation was horrible but it just was and I remember jumping away and looking at the ‘machine’ with resentment and strong urge to chastise it with a ‘I don’t like you’ statement.

Currently electricity play sits firmly on my ‘no thank you’ list. I say currently because if there is one thing I have learnt about my kinks it is that they are not fixed or static. Things that I have previously said no to have at times changed to things I am curious about and even on occasion things I love and crave. I don’t know if my feelings on electrical play will ever change, my gut tells me they won’t. Maybe a little bit of fear about electricity plays a part in that and maybe a lack of understanding. I look at the machine and I wonder what is stopping it from developing a fault. To me electricity is something to have a long distance respect for.


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Bunny June 23, 2013 - 7:00 pm

Hey our different kinks help make us unique. It’s intriguing to learn about things though so well done for allowing a demo. I know on my end gags and impact play totally freak me out. Electricity though, makes me euphoric. Thanks for sharing your experience and if you do encounter some electricity that you do like the future, have fun 🙂

Cammies on the floor June 23, 2013 - 8:01 pm

I have also learned that my kinks are very fluid and evolving constantly. I have not tried electricity, though my sister has, and I am not tempted to try it yet.

Lord Raven June 24, 2013 - 1:45 am

I can understand that being on your “no thank you” list. There are various reasons that it might have reacted that way to your body. After all like our kink types we all are wired differently. What feels good to one is not as pleasurable to another. Thank you for sharing

Marie Rebelle June 24, 2013 - 8:19 pm

I totally agree: electricity is something we should have a long distance respect for. Just the thought of things going wrong totally freaks me out.

Rebel xox

Jade June 25, 2013 - 9:35 pm

I have always had a healthy fear of electricity, and had it on my “absolutely no” list for a long time…but like you say, I’ve learned never to say never. 😉


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