Making a dedicated page for all my Scavenger Hunt art has been on my to-do list since last August but this year but I have finally stop putting it off in favour of other projects and got it done. I love the Scavenger Hunt and am very proud of all the images that have resulted from it and so I wanted to have a place where I could house all the links in one spot and make it easier for you, the reader, to find and enjoy them. There are a couple of my real favourites on the page but to see the rest you will have to visit the actual posts which if you have not already done so I hope you will take the time to-do as I think they contain some of my best and certainly most interesting photography to date.
No mention of the Scavenger Hunt would of course be complete with out including a new location in the mix and this time it is; Level Crossing
We took these pictures last summer down in Sussex on a rather damp wet August day. This was an area where I spent lots of my childhood summers and so I knew this little level crossing was located in valley at the bottom of a country lane and I was determined to find it. It took a bit of hunting and map reading but we got there in the end and timed it with the rain stopping. We had just started snapping away and I had my boobs out when all the lights and sirens started blaring. To say I jumped 5 feet in the air might actually be an understatement. The timing made it feel like the arrival of my boobage had set of the alarms and lights off and I found myself hiding behind the bushes as Sir, nearly dying of laughter, watched the train passing through.
Once it had gone and my heart had stopped racing quite so much we got started again, although there was a great deal of continued laughter on his part as I don’t think he could get the image of my startled face out of his mind.
In the end we got a couple of nice shots and retired back to the car for me to nurse my shocked system and him to continue laughing and muttering about ‘boobage alarms’ I don’t think we will ever be able to go near a level crossing again without wondering if the boobage alarms are going to go off!
Ps.. Click on the icons below to see who else is joining in with Wicked Wednesday and The Scavenger Hunt and to find all my Scavenger Hunt post visit my new page
Yeah I think I would have had a heart attack as well. Plus I got way more boobage to fear setting off alarms
Your boobage alarm gave me quite a giggle. You had the courage to return to the site, I think I might not have 😉
Great photos of a very sexy woman!
Rebel xox
I read this at work earlier and wet myself laughing about the ‘boobage alarms’!
Rachel x
You are one brave woman for going back after the alarms. I could only imagine your expression.
Utterly awesome – I love this!
I’ve updated the Scavenger Hunt page 🙂
xx Dee
Oh, that got me giggling… lovely shots too 🙂
I was thinking of having a special page when I reach the century mark for scavenges…
~Kazi xxx
Hahaha that is just awesome!
You’re brave!
[…] my traffic shenanigans I can totally relate to Molly’s heart pounding adventures in Level With Me. That moment when you fear being seen by passing cyclists or train […]