“Go!” he said
“Run, hide….. you don’t have long. Just a short head start, just enough to make your heart race and my cock harden with the anticipation of catching you. I told you I would bring you here one day and hunt you didn’t I?”
It took a moment for the words ‘hunt you’ to really sink in but when they did it was an electric charge straight from my brain through my gut and down into my cunt.
Stepping away from him I let my eyes scan the trees searching for an escape route. My mind swirls with possibilities and yet my body remains rooted to the spot.
For a moment I pause and turn back towards him. The crystal cold grabs at my breath and turns it into the same whiteness as the frost covered woodland around me and I look at him as he looks at me and then I turn…
and run…
*He has taunted me with this idea on many occasion. So far it remains words that infect my brain stirring in me a mixture of competitiveness, lust and small sprinkling of anxiety. When I started editing these images it made me think about those words again. I can image this moment but the rest, what happens after I run, that is something that I don’t yet know but I hope to find out for real one day.
Ps… To really get the full effect of these images I recommend you click on them to see them enlarged!
How very much like a fairy tale fantasy.
Blogger being a pain, but had to tell u how erotic I found this pic, i want to kiss it!
Amazing pictures and an amazing story. I adore that cape really. Brilliant photo set for week 100.
I felt the excitement when reading your words and seeing the pictures.
I find it interesting how I now look at you differently since I have seen you in real life. It’s almost as if there’s more feeling to your photos now 🙂
Rebel xox
What a delightful shivery hot fantasy – and what marvellous imagery to go with it!
xx Dee
Stunning photography and what an exciting thought, to be hunted, scary but so arousing
Happy 100th Week!! What a landmark!!
And as usual, you have landmark images to go with… I love the feel of Snow White and the Huntsmen I get from these.
~Kazi xxx
Happy Century Mark!
Blooger is doing its i hate wordpress thing, i just wanted to say how much this weeks pic made me smile
This series is fabulous. A real sense of fantasy and otherworldliness. The flash of red in all that grey is so eye-catching. Love them. Jane x
Stunning words and images. Now another great reason for you to come visit. I have lovely and plentiful amounts of woods where I am. And I’m usually all alone when in them.
Gorgeous images and I adore that black and red cape 🙂
Maggi xx
Really beautiful and electrifying! Great use of the landscape to highlight yourself.
Love the photos; very wintery backdrops makes the robe stand out nicely.
Wow, Molly, this is really quite something. Breathtaking photographs.
I have fantasised about this too! These are wonderful pictures that seem almost fairy tale like,beautiful
Delicious. The red riding hood photos put a twist on this for me that makes me quiver. Love it. Brilliant as usual, Molly.
I had not seen this set until tonight…wow…just wow…gorgeous.