Molly Moore
Molly Moore - Author, Blogger, Photographer, Speaker, Director of Operations @Eroticon Find me in my corner of the internet at Molly's Daily Kiss and on Twitter @mollysdailykiss
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Oh I’ve always loved that quote, but your image tops it;) A delight as usual x
Very very lovely image. Sacrifice for art I see as I can image that must have been incredibly cold. Nice pose and white really really suits you.
One of my favourite quotes and one of my favourite sexy women, both together…perfect!
I would love to have some snow pics, I have dropped hints lol
Speaking of standing in the cold for hot images! I love your one eye peeking through.
I like girls who drift away from Snow White!
As always you look great- I bet the front view of that outfit is nicely suggestive
The front view…with the cold effect, has given me nipples of stunning beauty. I only wish they looked like that all the time
And you illustrate that quote so perfectly!! though I don’t think any of us merely “drifted”…
~Kazi xxx
This is so artistically beautiful!!
I love the peek of your eye, your pose, and the way you seem to almost blend into the snow. What a striking image and the quote is perfect!
Wow, my nipples would be sticking out a mile in that cold! How did you do it?
This reminds me of the 1970/80 album covers when they had a sexy image on the cover. Beautiful x
gasp – fab outfit and photo, wonderful white on white! That quote is too funny, would have loved to hang out with Mae West.
I can’t remember how long I’ve stared at beautiful you in this photo Molly. Stunning from all angles. And that one eye peek? That just gets me!
a lovely winter image
Oh that’s a really beautiful picture
Love it! Just incredibly hot – the sort of thing that’s perfect on a day as obviously cold as that 🙂
xx Dee
Gorgeous as always. I love this whole picture. I adore Mae West. This is just breathtakingly beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful! Quote AND Picture 🙂
So sexy and I bet your nipples were stunning, mine always are when they get cold too!!! 🙂
Love the eye through the arm, such a tease!!!
~Mia~ xx
Beautiful! Love the white. 😀
One of my fave photos by you! Wonderful image. Striking, sexy, and subtle.
Just one thing – the snow! So cold. Very brave of you.
A simply gorgeous image of a gorgeous snow(wo)man
Gorgeous! The cold nipple-side-view-> yummy! 🙂
Molly, you don’t look like you mind a cold , only your sexy standing nipple show how cold it was:) We love your picture:) and you are lovely Snow Woman 🙂 xx
An incredible, bright, beautiful shot. I REALLY love this.
xx Simone
This image is stunning and sexy, one of my favorites by far!
This is just so sexy. Your figure is amazing, and the white suits you. I keep coming back to this image again and again. In high school I was called Snow White. In college, I was not. Enjoyed your beautiful photographic metaphor. xoxo ~Missy~
Incredible picture – who’d have thought white on white could look so sexy
You are a snow angel, my dear! Gorgeous!
Pure as the driven snow…