“At the end as at the start, and through all the in-betweens, I love you.”
~ Amal El-Mohtar
I started my February Photofest this year with a boob day picture so it seems fitting to end with one. The perfect book ends or should that be boob ends to all the photography goodness that this month delivered.
Every year I do this project I am always amazed by the amount of other people who join in. Either on their own blogs or on Twitter. Every year I discover new people to connect with through it too and I love that. To everyone who joined in yet again with this mad idea. Thank you. I am honoured you played along with me and in awe of the fabulous images you have all shared. You make February Photofest this amazing celebration of bodies and photography every year and I love you all for it.
February is in many ways a totally meh month but for me this project helps to make it zoom by and I am always glad when this day, either the 28th or the 29th finally comes and I can say. I did it. It is definitely a bit of an endurance test but the satisfaction of completing it. Well that is such a good feeling.
And good feelings are definitely needed right now don’t you think?
1 comment
That tangled forest is just gorgeous just like your boobs