The prompt this week for Wicked Wednesday is ‘Happiness’ and to be honest I could have written pages and pages on this subject but in the end I decided to go for something very simple because more often than not it is the very simple things in life that bring us happiness.
I am lucky, I know that. I have found a partner that brings joy and happiness into my life everyday. He is very much of the belief that ‘if you are not having fun then you are not doing it right’ mentality and as a result it is not possible to spend time with him and not have fun and yet happiness to me is something beyond fun. Happiness is a feeling of calm and contentment. It is a belief that you are in the right place doing the right things and when you look at the world around you that is fucked up in so many ways, you know that in that very moment none of that matters.
I was looking through my massive pile of images from the last few weeks for a picture that I felt would illustrate happiness the best. There are ones of us laughing together on top of Bodiam Castle and ones of me on the beach sporting a smile so wide that it looks like it might explode my face at any moment and yet when I saw this one I knew above all the others that this meant happiness to me.
Calm, contented, waiting, bound and helpless. No fancy rope, just a dressing gown cord and all of it in the most beautiful hotel room we have ever stayed in. This image is not about places, or events or friends, all of which do bring happiness. This image is about just him and me and complete contentment on both our parts and even though you can’t see my face or his, I am fairly sure it still exudes happiness. It is quiet and still and so very precious. This is a happiness, that is just us.
Ps… Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with Wicked Wednesday
Your words, your photo. You have once again succeeded in capturing a feeling in it all… this time the feeling of happiness, of feeling content, of being whole. I so get what it is about for you… it’s so very similar for me!
Rebel xox
What makes me happy? Your happiness. Signs’ happiness. Pixie’s happiness. You get the drift.
Ergo, that pic, and particularly all the subtle ties to pieces of your beautiful character, exemplifies it for me, too.
Having friends that I love, care about & trust… You are all of those things.
Love you Molls
It is a beautiful image and it certainly exudes calm contentment which I think is indeed the core of true happiness. An inspiring post. As ever. x
Simple yet powerful in words and image.
~Mia~ xx
Fabulous image and loved how you described your happy.
I’ve known that kind of happy too with my Sir, elemental and complete. What a fabulous feeling, and you captured it perfectly. 🙂
~Kazi xxx
We thought we knew what happiness was. And then we saw this stunning picture.
That’s the best kind of happy, in my book 🙂
xx Dee
This image is beautiful. It truly is a blessing to find happiness on ones’ life and to find it with another.