26th April 2011
Photo courtesy of Sadie
Welcome to e[lust] – Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. And in this edition you can read all about the best sexuality conference of the year (ever?), Momentum, in a one-time-only Editor’s Choice anomaly: I couldn’t choose just one, so I chose them all! Want to be included in e[lust] #26? Start with the rules and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
Where We Are – It was only supposed to be about the fucking. I don’t know how I convinced myself that it could be. I fretted before we began, about how I could ever possibly separate sex from emotion.
The Edible Slut – His hand made an audible crack as it connected with her ass, loud in the dim bedroom. Did he really sink his hand into her hair, turn her head to face him, and shout, “Stop being such a brat!”
Beyond Bisexual – I don’t identify as bisexual, because I am interested in so many more people than just two of the variety of sexes or genders out there. Except, that is a word that a lot of people understand.
~ Featured: Momentum Conference Posts (Lilly’s Picks) ~
An Extraordinary Gathering (and a Gathering of the Extraordinary)
Finally! A Real Momentum Post
Inspired by MomentumCon
#mcon Rehash
Momentumcon, Part One
~ e[lust] Editress ~
To Be or Not To Be….Anonymous, That Is – If you’re out or decide to be out….you’re not just outing yourself. You’re outing them all. And did they give their consent? Probably not, I’d guess. And even if they did give their consent could they even have a clue what consequences there will be?
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Thank you, and enjoy!
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
A Bump In The Road – A Swinger Party Goes Bad
Bridging the Gap (Between Swinging and BDSM)
Eating Pussy
Jane Says: What Does Sex Feel Like For A Man?
Let’s talk about food
Safe Word
S&M And Abuse
The Rules, Revisited
The Wet Patch
Who Cares About Your Open Relationship
Where There’s Smoke…
Kink & Fetish
BDSM Advice: Nipple Clamps
Communicating by touch
Consent [Violated]
getting ready…
He mixed pleasure and pain, and my body responded to it all
Safety Scissors
Topping From the Bottom: An Ode
Wantonly Restrained
You Can Make It Feel So Real
Erotic Writing
3. Wrath
Cunt Licking
Definition of Inspiration
Miss Me?
My Sex Life: The Journey Continues, Part 2
Silk Memories
Sexy Dance-Ing
teacher sweaters and the cock that haunts me
The Casino
The miseducation of Ms. Mullins
Wow. Confession #558
When I come
You Want This