“The first scrambling moil of enchanting
White Snowdrops sprouting, mostly
Unnoticed, through the dark leaf molds
Blackened surrounds.
For one who looks: all the subtle
Indicators in shy abundance everywhere.”
~ John Fleming
Something more sensual than sexy this week…
It’s been a bit of week to be honest and my spoons are lacking but the one thing that I have noticed this week is the shift in season. Yes, it is mostly definitely still winter. It was -6 on my walk on Wednesday but now when I go out with the dog at 4pm it is still daylight. Every day there are a few moments more, the sun lingers on the horizon. It is still winter, cold and harsh, but there is promise of change in the air and on the ground tiny white droplets of life shimmer.
Well it’s been freezing down here this past week … so just can’t wait for warmer times!!!
Lovely photo Molly.
Xxx – K
I’m clutching onto those early signs too. The sun is now rising whilst I have my first cuppa at my desk and it isn’t dark halfway through the afternoon. My bulbs are just starting to sprout, now we just need the sun to warm up!
I too am glad to see the day stretching out. Love the first sight of snow drops but imagine walking amongst them was a little chilly!