Rise up

by Molly Moore
molly reaching up into the sky wearing red cape over looking fields which are edited into black and white

And I’ll rise up
I’ll rise like the day
I’ll rise up
I’ll rise unafraid
I’ll rise up
And I’ll do it a thousand times again
And I’ll rise up
High like the waves
I’ll rise up
In spite of the ache
I’ll rise up
And I’ll do it a thousands times again
– Andra Day

Do you remember Ally McBeal? For those of you who are under 25 I suspect not, unless you have indulged in reruns but my point in asking is that in the first season Ally see’s a rather unorthodox therapist played by the brilliant Tracy Ullman whose first piece of advice to Ally, after telling her that is nuts, is that she needs a theme song. I have included the clip just to help those who have no idea what I am talking about and remind those who loved this show like I did just how fabulous it was…

When this came out I can remember spending a lot of time over coffee with my friend, who was also avidly watching it, discussing what our own theme songs might be. My friend chose Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. It suited her perfectly by the way but I struggled to settle on anything. I have a tendency to be a bit literal at times and also an over thinker and I felt like I had to pick one perfect song that summed me or my life up and that song just didn’t seem to exist

At the time I was so disappointed, I wanted to have a song but nothing felt right and I eventually gave up but I never really forgot about it and over the years the thought would sometimes come back to me and I would ponder it again until eventually I realised, just recently in fact, that the reason I had never been able to pick my theme song was because I just hadn’t heard it yet.

I know I first heard this song being played at full blast by my daughter and I can remember going up stairs to ask her what it was and adding it to my playlist. The connection to it was instant and I have listened to it many many times over this last year as I have tried to fight my way through what has been quite frankly some really tough times. It has reminded me in my darkest hours that I am strong and inspired me to gather myself and fight on. I love it for gathering me in it’s musical embrace and helping to always remind me that I can and will rise the fuck up, over and over again. That no matter what I am strong and capable and I can weather a storm with grace and dignity and have done so multiple times in my life before.

There are many songs that I have identified with throughout my life, songs that remind me of people and places and moments. Songs that make me want to fuck, songs that make me want to dance, songs that I know every word too, songs that remind me of special people, songs that make me sad and songs that make me happy but none of them have ever felt like my theme song, until now that is…

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Mrs Fever September 11, 2019 - 11:23 pm

I like the idea of having a personal theme song. It’s not something I’ve tried to identify for myself, and contemplating it right now I think — like you, previously — perhaps I just haven’t heard mine yet. There are certainly songs I enjoy, and many I identify with on some level; there are artists I admire and whole albums I feel a raw connection with; but a song that somehow ‘defines’ or sums up my ME-ness… No, I don’t have one of those. I think it’s great that you do, though. 🙂 Thank you for sharing.

PurpleSole September 12, 2019 - 7:40 am

Never saw Ally McBeal, I’m just old enough to remember. Love the picture, looks like a sexy Scottish Widows advert, which is probably not what you were going for but made me smile.

May More September 12, 2019 - 8:24 am

Oh I remember Ally! I loved that series – it was so whacky and some of the story-lines have stayed with me even today. I got myself a theme song at that time – or a bit after – it seemed we all needed one – it has changed as the years have gone by but it was “the Rose” by Bette Midler and it helped pelting it out and singing along.
I kinda forget about the theme song thing until reading this but very recently I was talking to my duaghter about the importance of having a mantra phrase to recite over and over when times are tough. I challenged her to think of a suitable one and she did. She finds it helps. That’s a similar concept to a theme song really.
I will now listen to your theme song 😉 xx

Jupiter Grant September 12, 2019 - 1:41 pm

I remember Ally McBeal. The unisex loos, the dancing baby, lol.
Your theme song is beautiful, Molly. Andra has a stunning voice. I had never thought about it before, but I have a theme song, too, and you’ve inspired me to write about it. Cheers ? ?

kisungura September 12, 2019 - 2:24 pm

Gosh I remember Ally, I loved that show! I also love the idea of a theme song and you’ve now got me thinking on that…

Lexy September 12, 2019 - 3:58 pm

I remember this from Ally McBeal! Love your photo and how it works with the mood of the song, and although the song isn’t quite my style I feel all the power in it that you’re finding, and I can imagine how it has shored up your strength (and your grace and dignity, as you say – they seem like perfect words for what you are describing). ?

Marie Rebelle September 12, 2019 - 4:29 pm

You are right, you will rise up, over and over again, and you will get through difficult times. You are a strong woman! As I type this comment, I am listening to the song and I love it!

Rebel xox

PS: A personal theme song sounds like a brilliant idea!

elliott September 14, 2019 - 7:10 am


Brigit Delaney September 15, 2019 - 5:44 pm

I loved that show! Though the dancing baby creeped me the fuck out. What a glorious featured image. The red is so damned striking. I really need this filter!

Great theme song.

Nora September 17, 2019 - 2:02 am

Loved that show! … fresh and quirky when it first came out … I think I have a couple of old CD’s of AMcB soundtracks by Vonda Shepherd as I enjoyed the music from the show as well. Unfortunately I can’t think of a life theme song for myself. However, I do love your selection from Andra … both the song and her voice … nj … xx
PS … I have to say that’s a perfect shade of red you’re wearing!

missy September 18, 2019 - 7:36 am

Great post. I loved Ally McBeal too and have fond memories of watching and company notes about what happened. This is a really good song but not one I had heard before. I can see how appropriate the words are and yay for finding your theme song ?


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