Knowing my place
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Molly Moore - Author, Blogger, Photographer, Speaker, Director of Operations @Eroticon Find me in my corner of the internet at Molly's Daily Kiss and on Twitter @mollysdailykiss
The combination of the pose and the look in your eyes. Oh and the stockings..
OMG, I *love* the look on your face!
Rebel xox
This is so intensely sexy. Damn…
~M x
A very intense and sexy photo..just love your eyes and those stockings are perfect!!
Oh, Molly…the look on your face is gorgeous. You’re so present it’s almost unnerving. Almost – that nearly unnerving quality just pulls me right in.
Malin xxx
Oh, boy. As others have already said, the look on your face … I’m not sure what to say, other than this photograph grabs – really, really grabs – the moment you look at it. Jane xxx
The power expressed in this amazing shot is startling.
Gorgeous stare and delicious detail with the stockings – i tells a story
You may be on the floor but you are in a place of power as if you are a snake ready to strike. I like the vignetting too.
Agree with Eugene. You do look ready to strike and from a place of power
I am sure the person behind the camera (is there one or did you set this up yourself?) knows there is the most amazing experience about to take place.
Hi Angela
99% of the images on my site are self portraits. If that is not the case then I usually say if he has taken the shot
The pose, the ripped stocking, the bare leg and that look in your eye… All combined to create a simply perfect image!
Can’t praise this one enough Molly!
Kat x
@Angela Goodnight,
Molly almost always takes all of her photos, this one is no exception. Once in a great while I will press the shutter button. She is really the talent.
I like the cat-like pose.
i love everything about this from your expression, down to the tear in your fishnets…
This is such a powerful composition – I love it. Thank you for it 🙂 Twiglet.
Like a tigeress ready to pounce. Gorgeous shot!
Velvet x
The look on your face just catches me but the torn fishnets….wow!
Oh wow – you’ve done it again – the intensity is amazing. Your pose is perfect. Love the black and white x x
This is the most amazing strong, vulnerable, fierce, beautiful photo. You’re an absolute goddess.
This really is a gorgeous picture . . . very, very sexy . . . and the laddered fishnets say it all !
Xxx – K
Simply wonderful!! Poised and ready to leap out of the frame. Xx
Love the pose and the angle 🙂
Your expression really draws me in.
Oh wow, this is stunning! Just so powerful, I can’t tear my eyes away… Xxx
What a great pic.scary in a hot way almost like a beautiful succubus.I think I’m using the right word
Wow! I’m not sure I’ve ever used the word arresting before but I think this picture was made to define that word. You absolutely stop me in my tracks with this photo. Your pose and your eyes are so full of incredible energy and the treatment of the photo simply emphasizes that. Simply stunning. This will stay in my mind for a long time.