N is for Nativity a holy scene set
A is for Angel all pure and white
B is for Bow, tied up all tight
C is for Church where good Christians come
D is for Decorations beautifully done
E is for Eggnog all sticky and sweet
F is for Fireplace glowing with heat
G is for Gloves furry and warm
H is for Hat to keep out the storm
I is for Icicles frosty and cold
J is for Jingle Bells shiny and gold
K is for Kings, One, Two, Three
L is for Lights that illuminate me
M is for Mistletoe and kisses you get
Beautiful! I love that you are using the little figurines 🙂
Rebel xox
I love all your wonderfully creative photos for your Christmas Advent Calender. Very impressive collection of photographs.
This is beautiful, and brave. I might have been afraid of offending someone, even though it would be unusual someone visiting the site would be offended by what they saw.
The baby Jesus would be proud
What a place to stay, the wise men must have been overjoyed to cum there. I would love to stop by that hole myself
I love this photo! At first, I didn’t see that delicious pussy in the background and then WHAM, it hit me. You should do a calender like this 😉
A nativity scene like no other!!!
And I’m in awe of your Advent Calendar postings . . . wonderfully fun and creative!
Xxx – K
This is such a deceptive and intriguing image. My eye went to the little group of figures on the right first, then the ones on the left, before finally falling on you. I must admit, it took me a moment or two to work out what I was looking at but then it was like “Ohhh!” :-). What a delicious visual journey – and what a final destination! Jane xxx
*chuckle* That’s really clever. And filthy 🙂
xx Dee
guy i was talking to this week has a fetish for being shrunk and being used by a giantess
this image would fit that desire!
saw the background after a minute….. but mmmmmm nice.
Outdid yourself Molly! After all immaculate conception may not have required a penis but DEFINITELY required a vagina! even more perfect that those are real and not photoshopped in!
This is a very cute idea, Molly!! I love it.
xxx Miss July xxx
This is so clever and so lovely! As others have said, the subtlety of you in the background is wonderful and such a lovely surprise when you see it. I’m loving this whole series!
That backdrop is quietly brilliant, puts a whole new twist on the scene 🙂
~Kazi xxx