
by Molly Moore
Leaning on a tree naked

Day 6

It is Thursday and as per Penny’s suggestion that means it is Throwback Thursday, which means I am bringing a previously posted image back to life. On this occasion I have picked a Scavenger Hunt image which I posted back in August 2013 but rather than just re-posting that shot what I really wanted to show was the comparison with original image without the infrared edit.

Original Image

Leaning on a tree naked

Editing Image first posted on August 18th 2013 – A Fairytale Land

naked in the woods

I really love the original image, the colours are so good however there are some hotspots of light that distract the eye whereas with the edited image I feel like the structure of my body and the tree is stronger making it far more interesting shot. That is just me though, what do you think?


Ps… Click on the icon below to see all my February Photofest images.

February Photofest

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Jade February 6, 2014 - 2:47 pm

I MUCH prefer the original. But then I almost always prefer color to black & white. I want to feel the richness in the moment, the vividness, and color pulls me in, lets me experience the picture, rather than feel removed from it, which is often what a black & white makes me feel. (I know, I’m the odd one out it seems on that.) I think these two pics really illustrate that point though. The first one? Incredibly deep, vivid and rich! Love the contrast of your beautiful skin against the lush, verdant greens. The second one…is ethereal…ghostly. which isn’t bad, just…not as interesting and captivating as the first.

(Wow, am I a talker this AM! feel free to ignore my ramblings…I know nothing about photography! LOL)

mollyskiss February 6, 2014 - 9:45 pm

No no, I don’t care what people ‘know’ about photography. Most people I know who think they ‘know’ photography are snobby and pompous about it. I am far more interested in what people ‘see’ in my images, how they make them feel, what they like or dislike about it and maybe most of all what it makes them feel!


Marie Rebelle February 6, 2014 - 8:29 pm

Somehow I almost always prefer original photos. And in this case I too love the color photo. Even with the spots of light you mention, my attention are definitely drawn to the warmth of your body, the way the line of your body and the line of the tree seem to complement each other.

Lovely photo!

Rebel xox

Mia February 6, 2014 - 10:45 pm

I totally get what you are saying about the hotspots of light and how in the edited version these are not so distracting so from that point of view the edited shot has it, however…I love the colour and richness of the original shot so to distinguish between the two for me is difficult as each image has their own strengths.

John February 6, 2014 - 10:48 pm

I agree with Molly; there are two experienced photographers in our office and we had a look on the BBC website the other day for the Sony Award winners shortlist: while we all hated the first image, and agreed on a few of the others; we all had different favourites, we saw different things in the 24 images.

With regards to the first image, you could always burn or adjust the levels if you want to tone down the bright spots and the second image has just as many bright spots.

I love them both; I notice different things to in them: there is more detail in the second image, but more warmth in the first.


ExhibitA February 6, 2014 - 11:13 pm

I love the way the viewer’s eye is immediately drawn to your shock of dark hair in the edited version. You’d think it would stand out more among the colours of the original, but it acts as a really good focal point in the edited photo, and helps to signpost the rest of your body.

Penny February 7, 2014 - 12:11 am

Hmm I like them both, but I like the original better because of all of the rich detail. As John mentioned, you could fix the bright spots in it (I would use an adjustment brush to bring down the highlights in those areas in LR) though I don’t think it’s a huge deal.

Lust for Love February 7, 2014 - 4:38 am

Did you attract a lot of bees and butterflies?

SilverDom February 7, 2014 - 7:31 am

I prefer the warmth of the first image.

There are people who don’t consider photography to be art. I call BS on that idea. Just like a painting, a good photograph will be seen in different ways by every person that looks at it. How they experience the image is fascinating.

Sylvie Charment February 7, 2014 - 2:03 pm

I completely agree with you Molly. The original photo looks so beautiful and whimsical in color. Yet, I find you stand out so much more in the edited photo. Interesting. Wonder if you could merge the two together.

Flip February 10, 2014 - 7:23 pm

TBH I can’t choose between the two, because, for me, there is much to love about both.
The first appeals to my love of fantasy art…it’s very wood nymphish, serene and beautiful.

The second is more arty, it accentuates the curve of your body against the tree, you look part of the tree and a natural part of the surroundings.

Like I say, I love both, choosing a favourite would be too difficult

Flip x


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