It is a funny time of year don’t you think? Christmas is behind us and yet the New Year is not quite here. It always feels a to me a bit like limbo land, we are not in one place or the other. For many people they return to work for a few days but if you have kids then they are most likely at home, hopefully playing with their Christmas presents but more likely, just driving you potty. I think that is why we tend to get reflective at this time of time of year, because we are essentially just waiting for that oddly unique moment when we bid farewell to one year and say hello to the next all at the same time.
Last night I reviewed all my Sinful Sunday images from the last year in the hope of finding one that I could pick as my favourite of 2013. I failed dismally. It was like being asked to pick between my children. I just couldn’t do it, they are all my favourite in different ways, some for the moments they remind me off, some for the quality of the image and some, just cause….
So I found myself looking back on 2013, remembering so many wonderful moments, all of them precious in their own individual way and of course that led me to turn my mind to the future. None of us really knows what tomorrow holds but I have plans for 2014 which for now I can only peek in on and grin in anticipation….
Ps… Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with the Sinful Sunday
A perfect description of how I feel about this time of year. May 2014 be a good one for you and your family. x
It definitely is a strange time of year… I feel the same as you do about it. And, I look forward to learn more about your plans for 2014 🙂
Rebel xox
Well put!! Looking forward to great things in 2014 🙂
~Kazi xxx
Yes, well said. We’re looking forward to wonderful things in 2014.
Logan & Renee
I’m looking forward to 2014 as well.
Yes, bring on 2014 and more of your photography for us to enjoy.
2014 will be a very uncertain year for me as there are big changes due with my employer that will affect me negatively.
That said, when I am not scared, I am quite looking forward to the challenge. 😉
I echo your sentiments and love the image you chose to go with them!!
~Mia~ xx
Molly, I adore this photo. I think it just might be my favorite one so far from you. The shading and lighting, your playful yet sex pose, the depth… it’s all just so perfect.
I agree with your words whole heartily. I’m only sure of one thing… 2014 is going to be a lot of fun and full of photos.
Xx HUGS lori
Love this image. Full of mystery of things to come.
I am now dead curious about your plans, I gotta say! Love your perky pose 🙂
xx Dee