26th February 2012
Whipped and fucked and filled with cum I finally get to taste him…. and me.
I do love cleaning him afterwards, exploring his still hard cock with my tongue, tasting his cum mingled with mine and listening to his heavy breathing turning into sighs of contentment as I take him lovingly into my mouth, licking, tasting, cleaning and smelling. It is not only the taste that I love but the smell of us too. That raw heady smell of our sex fills my nostrils and I often find myself burying my face into him to try to absorb it all. I want to wear him on me, his scent, his cum, his bruises.
There really is nothing quite as wonderful as sucking cock apart from sucking a cock you have been well and truly fucked by…
Ps… After teasing you on Wednesday with Sweet Like Cock I thought I should share the real thing with you for this time. Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with Sinful Sunday
What a hot thought. If only My woman thought like you.
What a beautiful way to end a session!! 🙂
~Kazi xxx
In this house… the only way
*sings* These are a few of my favorite things…
Absolutely delicious. 😉
Your comment made me giggle… I can’t image Julie Andrews with a mouthful of cock for some reason 😉
Oh Molly, the blush of your cheek, the flick of your hair…. beautiful.
Maddie xxx
Mmmmm. How lovely – and delicious! That photo is gorgeous too (love your heavy-lidded expression).
xx Dee
Yes. THIS. Yes yes yes. Beautiful!
You look as delicious and beautiful as always. Bravo xx
Nice photography Molly!
What a beautiful merging of two bodies, as well word and image. 🙂
I feel exactly the same way and do exactly the same thing. Cannot get enough of us, together, afterward.
This image make me lick my lips and my stomach clench in need and greed. So beautiful, erotic and delicious. Your words strike a chord in me. Wish I could join you both in that photo. X
The look on your face is one of complete and utter contentment. Beautiful.
I couldn’t agree more! It’s so amazing to be used and abused with such love behind it! I always enjoy the pics, so artful! This is the best one yet, super intimate and sweet, and sexy!
What an amzing sight to wake up to! I do enjoy sinful sundays!
We can most certainly relate to this. Few things are as intimate and special as the act you describe. Such a beautiful expression of love. And for that matter, such a beautiful picture to accompany your words.
Very hot picture!
Such an incredible sexy photo! WOW!
Rebel xo
I just can’t even begin to explain how much I love this image… and the words… it’s so… perfect. So visceral. Breathtaking.
Such a beautiful picture as always. I am envious – of the position you are in, the tastes, scents and emotion you are feeling, the atmosphere and sensation, your harmonious blend of ethereal but pure and raw beauty, the realism expressed through this picture, the artwork that must flow through your mind, at one with your potent sexuality and erotic finesse.
Truly perfect Molly, thank you.
Wow….another amazing post! This will be bouncing in my brain for the rest of the day.
The only way to finish any session, totally agree the taste, smell and texture is fucking amazing.
Mmmmmmm absolutely agree THE best taste, smell, everything!! Fabulous photo to!
~Mia~ xx
I wish I could bottle that scent & taste. *sigh*
Fantastic shot! I love getting my cock sucked after I come inside here, though switching back and forth between pussy and mouth is quite fun too 🙂
Amazing shot and the words are delicious. I agree completely… love sucking cock 🙂
Beautiful and I quite agree about the taste and smell of sex. Afterplay can be just as good as foreplay! x
I can so relate to this, Molly! I feel like there is something very tender about this act.
xoxo, Slut
and how I love a deep kiss after my wife/lover has cleaned me up …. sighs
Reminds me of an old university joke. I’ll write it up for you, Molly.
Aside from sexy as shit, this photo is amazingly beautiful. Your skin. His skin. The shadows. Perfect.
Can’t believe I missed this one…now, oddly enough, something I’m craving having done.
Well I wouldn’t know, but I’m happy to take your word for it!
A truly hot read.
sev xx
Oh my, what a fabulous turn on.
Wow what an intimate sharing!
You look gorgeous in this image.
And you made me get hard as a rock.
Thank you.