Monkeying Around – FebPhotofest Day #12

by Molly Moore
Molly standing by Monkey bars in a park showing her tits. He little dog is at her feet

I have long thought that ‘Exercise Area’ on the Scavenger Hunt location list would be one that I would never manage to get. It is not a common thing in the UK to have outdoor gym/exercise areas in parks etc and so I have mostly dismissed it as a possible. That was until we moved house a couple of years ago and I started exploring a whole new area looking for good walks to go on with that dog and stumbled across a little field on the edge of a housing estate that had a whole selection of workout equipment. There are pull up bars, a sit up bench, an A frame and a few other bits and the Monkey bars.

I thought about trying to get pictures at a few of them but after visiting a couple of times I realised that the Monkey Bars where the only ones hidden from both the houses and the road and they I was going to have to settle for those. As you can see I had my trusty 4 legged companion to keep a look out. (*whispers He is not very good at it, unless it is Squirrels I am wanting to know about and then he has me covered)

So another Scavenger Hunt notch is achieved. I am on 94 locations now and my goal for this year is to finally break through the 100 mark and earn myself a Diamond badge.

In the foreground is a oval sign that says Horizontal Monkey bars. Behind it Molly is standing in grey shorts with her t shirt pulled up and her tits out. She is holding the lead and her black and White Jack russell terrier is standing at her feet
February Photo Fest badge 2024
Scavenger hunt blog badge

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Kenneth Benoit aka Benke February 12, 2024 - 9:54 pm

Exercise equipment in the park is a great idea. Some parks here in Canada have equipment.
Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing them

Bee February 21, 2024 - 5:53 pm

Oh well done. I know these are more popluar now but they’re still in tricky spots with too many people around!

MxNillin February 25, 2024 - 3:27 am

I seriously always LOVE your outdoor & public nudes and these do not disappoint!


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