“Now I become myself. It’s taken time, many years and places.” ~ May Sarton
The original post that contained this image, Atoms, is from January 2021. As I explained at the time it was an image I have not shared at first as despite the fact that there was a lot about it I liked I also had complicated feelings about how my tummy looked and stretch marks etc. I have found with images like this that time results in me seeing the positives more and more what I often initially see as negatives to turn into part of the positives.
The original image is in colour. All I have done here is turn it black and white and pushed up the contrast and clarity a bit so to sharpen the image slightly. Black and white has a tendency to flatten an image and so some slight adjustments are needed to make up for some of the work the colour was previously doing.
A bit like that week I am struggling to pick a favourite but I think this one might just be pushing ahead. I really like how the sunlight pattern on my skin is more pronounced, giving the image more depth and drawing the eye down from the little line of hair across my breast, tummy and thigh. Oddly I think my tummy is clearer in this one where I would have hated that in the past, I like the honesty of it here.
So which one do you prefer?
I really like the way you make light work for your black and white pictures. I hope that makes sense. It is a lovely picture Miss Molly
@mollyskiss so lovely 🤩
Its amazing I think how colour changes everything, but they’re both very nice for different reasons, B&W seems to inspire more thoughtful reactions, while colour seems to make one want to leap into the photo! 🙂
Beautiful! I think the black and white makes it very classy (even though it’s a nude photo).