1 Little Switch Bitch @_LittleSwitchB
1 Super Smash Cache @supersmashcache
2 Sex, Love and Videotape @sexlovevideo
3 Love, Violet @fireandhoney
4 On Queer Street @OnQueerStreet
5 Mx Nillin @MxNillinLore
6 Girly Juice @girly_juice
7 Coffee and Kink @coffeeandkink
8 Focused and Filthy
9 Poly.Land @polydotland
10 Cara Sutra @thecarasutra
11 Kelvin Sparks @kelvinsparks_
12 Temperature's Rising
13 Tabitha Rayne @TabithaErotica
14 The Beautiful Kind @TBK365
15 Naked Wanderings @nakedwanderings
16 Arousibility @Arousibility
17 Jayne Renault @jayne_renault
18 Climaximaal @electricluna
19 Miss Ruby's Reviews @MissRubyReviews
20 Cara Thereon @thereon_cara
21 Rewriting the rules @megjohnbarker
22 Knkstriped @ZebraRoseSub
23 A to sub Bee @sub_bee
24 Exposing 40 @exposing40
25 Master's Pleasing Bitch @MPBJulie
26 Tess Tesst @jay_tesst
27 Off the Cuffs @ocpkink
28 Joanne's Reviews @joannesreviews
29 Princess Previews @PrincessPreview
30 Betty Butch @betty_butch
31 Pain as pleasure @bibulousone
32 E L Byrne Writer @ELByrne1
33 Chrisy Kay
34 Love is a Fetish @loveisafetish
35 Blue Submission @bluesubmission
36 Innocent Loverboy @innocentlb
37 Phallophile Reviews @PhallophileRev
38 Discovering Kink @dscoveringkink
39 Queer Courtesan @QueerCourtesan
40 Denying Thumper @thumperMN
41 The Artful Muse @Ms_muse_dreamer
42 The Gentle Domme @TheGentleDomme
43 Happy Come Lucky @ht_honey
44 Tall, Dark and Dominant @darkanddominant
45 Crippling Up Reviews
46 Vanilla Free Sex @vanillafreesex
47 A Leap of Faith @thebarefootsub
48 Objects De Plaisir @Objets2Plaisir
49 Francesca Demont @DemontFrancesca
50 Lillith Avir @Lillith_A
51 Accidental Masturbator
52 Still Searching for Prince Charming @SS4PC
53 Brigit Delaney's @BrigitWrites
54 Down the Bunny Rabbit Hole @LuvbunnySL82
55 O Miss Pearl @OMissPearl
56 Anne Stagg @annestaggwrites
57 Witch Of The Wands @WitchofTheWands
58 Holden and Camille.com @h_and_c_dot_com/
59 Submissive Feminist @SubFeminist
60 Forbidden Writings @Charlton_Tod
61 Exhibit A @EA_unadorned
62 Dildo or Dildon't @Makeupandsin
63 Pretty Pink Lotusbud @prttypnkltsbd
64 Rain De Grey @raindegrey
65 Modesty Ablaze @ablazingmodesty
66 Asrai Devin @asrai
67 Steeled Snake @Steeledsnake
68 Victoria Blisse @victoriablisse
69 Isabelle Lauren @RomanticIsa
70 Becoming Violet Grey @v_greyauthor
71 Nessbow
73 Open Bobs BB openbobsbb
74 Lippenbekenntnisse
75 Queer Earthling @threatganglia00
76 Cleareyedgirl
77 Light in grey places
78 A Kinky Autistic @kinkyAutistic
79 Krystal Minx @BisexualMinx
80 Hannah McKnight @HannahTGirlMN
81 Little Penny Berry
82 Miss D
83 Persephone Raya @kitten4_daddy
84 Femdom Ramblings from a submissive male
85 The Lustful Empress
86 Quenby Creatives @quenbycreatives
87 Breaking Away from Mononogamy @K_Ghislaine
88 Oz Bigdownunder OzBigdownunder
89 Lascivious Lucy Ashwood @LasciviousLucy
90 Tinted Blu @tintedblu
91 The Poets Kiss
92 Bambi Biohazard @BambiBiohazard
93 Jerusalem Mortimer: Between the Lines @JaimeMortimer
94 I have loved you a long time @The_Other_me_9
95 Megan Ward @megwardwrites
96 JenDragon @JenetalTorture
97 Alethea Hunt @aletheaalone
98 Sex, Life and Everything @sexlifeandevery
99 Raspberry Ripples