Top 100 Sex Blogs 2022 – Nominations

by Molly Moore
Top 100 Sex blogs 2022 nominations

Welcome to the Top 100 Sex Blogs 2022 – Nominations – This is your annual chance to nominate your favourite sex bloggers for the top 100 list but also there category rounds are back again this year. Read on for all the details.

Let’s kick things off though by introducing the sponsors of this years list and I am so happy to say that Chaturbate who have sponsored every year since 2017 have yet again agreed to be the sponsor again of the list and just like there are new things afoot with the list Chaturbate have also agreed to send some swag bags to the ten bloggers who end up at the top of this years list.

Top 100 Sex blogs 2022 nominations

Chaturbate is the worlds most popular web-cam where you can chat for free. You’ll find thousands of broadcasters live on cam and ready to play, every time you visit. You don’t even have to enter your email or credit card to meet someone to share your sexy fantasies.

Yet again I can’t thank them enough for their support this project. Right from the summer of 2017 through to this current list they have been totally on board with the aims of the list and enthusiastic about supporting the sex blogging community as a whole. Please do take a few moments to go and check them out and enjoy their fabulous site because their support really does make all the difference to the amount of time I can dedicate to this project but be warned you might find them very distracting.

An important note on trans inclusivity and transphobia

Before we get onto the new bits and the nominations I am including this section again from last years nomination post because it is just as relevant now as it was back then.

There has been a lot of discussion of trans inclusivity and transphobia within the sex blogging community this year. After some of these discussions I hired a trans inclusivity consultant to look at the Top 100 Sex Blogs and highlight areas where I can do more to be trans inclusive. Trans inclusivity involves acknowledging your privilege, working to unlearn the cissexism that we have been taught all our lives, uplifting trans and non-binary voices, and not writing about sex as though all men have dicks or vice versa. Without this inclusivity you cannot be a sex positive writer. I have implemented the changes that were suggested to me most notably being clear in the rules about sex positive content and also making a slight change to importance of social media in the scoring and bringing in a score for the use of pronouns. (You can find these changes in the Transparency Report linked below)

I can’t police every thing every blogger has done, especially when it comes to social media. I do however try to read as much of peoples content as I can to get a good feel for what they write about and how they write about it but it is not a perfect science. I am one person reading through, last year in excess of 170 blogs, I will invariably make mistakes and potentially miss content that might disqualify someone. (As in the past, if that happens and I discover it, that blog will be removed from the list) When it comes to removing people from past lists, this will only be done if at the time the list was posted their content at that time breaks any of the rules.

Please read all the details below carefully before making your nominations!

What is the score?

Please read this post, The Transparency Report,  which covers in great detail how the list is made including lots of details about the scoring system and what things I look for on each blog.

New Voice of the Year

In the past this award has gone to two blogs that are new this year and therefore have not been around long enough to qualify for the Top Sex Bloggers list but who have caught my eye as being interesting and exciting and ones to look out for in the future. The amount of people who end up getting listed for this varies depending on how many people get nominated. If someone gets nominated for the main list and don’t qualify because they have not been around long enough they automatically get put into this list for consideration.

Please include a New Voice Blog in your nominations if you wish.

New Categories

As well as the traditional list the Top 100 Sex Blogs I have decided to expand the list and bring in some category awards. These are not for blogs as a whole but individual post. There are 3 categories of post: Fiction, Non-Fiction and Photography/Image.

You can nominate one of your posts in each category or in just one of them. That is totally up to you. So if you only write fiction then feel free to nominate your favourite/best fiction piece for the last year (see rules below). Or if you have a non-fic, fiction and a photo post then you can nominate 3 different posts. One in each category.

If you are nominating a photograph/image then your post may contain just a photo but it might also contain writing too but it is the image you are putting forward to consideration. The image must be one you have taken or had taken of you.

There will be 3 winners in each category, a gold, silver and bronze if you will, which I will select from all the posts submitted.

The rules for the category section are the same when it comes to content, sex positivity etc (see below) BUT if your blog is not eligible for the main list because you have not posted 24 posts this year then you can still enter a post(s) into the category awards as long as your blog is over a year old. Also if you are a previous winner of the Top 100 you can also enter a post into the category awards. Oh and unlike in the main nominations where someone else has to nominate you, when it comes to the category nominations you can totally nominate your own work. Pick the post(s) that you are most proud of that has been published in the last year and enter them using the form below.

The Rules of the Game…

I have created a permanent page on my site for the rules, any updates or amendments will be published here but as this is the nominations posts I am putting them here also. PLEASE make sure you READ them before making your nominations!

  • If you are a sex blogger, no nominating yourself! I encourage your to tell your readers and social media followers so they can nominate you. You can of course nominate your fellow sex bloggers.
  • You CAN nominate yourself (your posts) for the 3 new categories. (see above)
  • Each nomination MUST include the blog url, not just a name. (Or follow the steps on the forms above)
  • The number of nominations any blog gets is not relevant to the outcome of the list. So those with 1 nomination and those with 20 are all considered for the list on an equal footing. Although I do record the numbers down and in the event of a tie-break between two blogs for a place on the list the number of nominations might be taken into account.
  • Blog content can be anything sex related – erotica/fiction, sex education, sex news, dating, reviews, photography, confessionals, non fiction, personal life accounts etc. Nothing illegal, obviously.
  • Podcasts are not eligible for the list and if your blog is essentially your show-notes and embed of your podcast then you are not eligible. Someone needs to do a list for Podcasts!
  • Is your content sex positive? In the past blogs have been removed from the list because they do not meet this very important criteria. If you are writing posts that are misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, whorephobic, etc. or are essentially pick up artist tips, then your blog is not sex positive and your blog will not be included on the list. Additionally, if you are promoting unsafe practices like vaginal douching, “surprise” anal sex or anal sex without lube then your blog will not be included on the list.
  • If you are linking to such sites or publishing content that is sponsored by sites that I deem to be problematic, (examples listed in the previous point) you will not qualify for the list.
  • The blog can’t be protected. It’s ok if a few of the posts are protected, but the entire blog can’t be behind a password or paywall
  • The blog should be at least a year old, but anyone who’s been blogging since at least November 1st, 2021 will be considered. Special exceptions will be made for someone who has recently moved to a new blog, but was previously blogging somewhere else as long as that content is still available to view.
  • You can nominate as many bloggers as you like.
  • The blog must have a minimum of 24 posts published between 1st Nov 2021 – 31st Oct 2022. Any blog with no posts in the last 45 days will be eliminated.
  • You can nominate your post(s) in the category awards regardless of how many posts you made this year but your blog must be a year old.
  • Tumblr style blogs that are purely reposting other people’s content are not eligible for the list.
  • Commercial magazine style sites are not eligible for the list.
  • Blogs attached to commercial shops are not eligible for the list.
  • Blogs that previously won the spot have been retired and CAN NOT BE NOMINATED for the main list but you can nominate a post they have written for the category awards above.

Previous winner on the list are:

PLEASE DO NOT NOMINATE ANY OF THESE PREVIOUS WINNERS (Previous winners CAN enter the new category awards above)

These are the current rules as of 1st October 2022. I reserve the right to amend, adapt, change or suspend the rules at my discretion but any changes will be issued in writing on this site.

I know a lot of blogs but I do not know everyone and I am relying on you to help me get to know many more. Nominations are now open. You make your nominations in the comments below or you can email them directly to me [email protected]. Please mark the subject line with ‘2022 Nominations’. If you are a blogger and want to nominate a post for the new categories do that above using the forms. Please feel free to return and make as many nominations as you wish. Nominations will run until the 1st of November 2022 which should give people plenty of time. That will give me November to do all the reading etc with the aim of publishing the list in the first week of December 2022.

I think that just about covers it, now it is over to you for the nominations!

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MxNillin October 2, 2022 - 3:08 am Reply
David October 3, 2022 - 1:46 pm

My nominations for blogs I’ve enjoyed reading this year:

We_Fear_Nothing (
Princess Previews (
Deltoya Toys (
Innocent Lover Boy (

Innocent Loverboy October 5, 2022 - 6:01 pm


This is really difficult, because under the rules, a lot of my favourite bloggers are ineligible for nomination this year. I genuinely don’t know if I can think of that many that are whose blogs I also read regularly!

My nominees are:

1. Emma Austin from Love, Emma ( – Emma is a very prolific blogger and there’s always something new on her site to read. She is knowledgeable and completely unabashed; her blog proves it’s possible to write about porn and anal sex and still sound cute.

2. David from The Big Gay Review ( – I’m not much of a fan of review sites, but David is a very talented writer. Even if you’re not into toys, his “sexy thoughts” posts are always worth a look.

3/ Sexilicious Ash ( – Ash is incredibly cheeky and seemingly perpetually horny. Her pictures are hot, but it’s her writing that really gets me. I do feel like she has more to share, however, that would make this a truly great blog.

4. Sweetness from Sweetness Blogs ( – I’ve been following Sweetness for a while now (she is an excellent follow on social media, should you be so inclined), and her blog is a breath of fresh air: lots of real sex, and a few wonderfully ranty posts. This one reminds me of sex blogs from the days of yore.

5. Robyn from Robyn Eats Everything ( – This is my nomination for a “new voice” blog. I’ve only very recently discovered Robyn and I’ll be interested to see the direction this is going in…

And one wildcard:

Violet Fawkes ( – I mean, why not…?

Mandy October 7, 2022 - 2:10 pm

Cara Sutra –
A Faded Romantics Notebook –
O Miss Pearl –
Femdom Think Tank –
Evolving Your Man –
Still searching for Prince Charming –

Exposing40 October 8, 2022 - 10:43 pm

Focused and Filthy got in before me and nominated all of the ones I’d have put forward with my Sinful Sunday hat on, so I will thank her for her leg (thumb) work and nominate her!

MxNillin October 10, 2022 - 1:08 am Reply
Stuart October 10, 2022 - 6:57 pm

My nominations are the fabulous and my favourite:-
As well as:-

Bob Ratz October 13, 2022 - 2:39 pm

Rain DeGrey –

Violet Fawkes October 13, 2022 - 8:28 pm

New Voice:
Sweet Ness

Sweetness October 31, 2022 - 2:19 pm

Thank you!!

benny October 16, 2022 - 2:36 am

nominating two trans sex bloggers i love!

Kelvin Sparks
Fantastic Frost

HappyComeLucky October 16, 2022 - 7:06 pm

I think that everyone has already been nominated. I will have a check and a think and pop back.

Thank you to the people who nominated me.

Indigo October 18, 2022 - 4:57 pm

My nomination for the best blog goes undoubtedly to:

Anastasia October 18, 2022 - 9:09 pm

My favourite blog! :

Michael Ozi

Sherie Pastor October 22, 2022 - 8:07 pm

Please include Krystal Minx as I love her blog and sexy photos! Thank you Molly – I love (and follow) your site too! @BisexualMinx

Sweetness October 31, 2022 - 2:17 pm

I’m still a relative newbie when it comes to nsfw blogging, and I’m sure there are many more amazing blogs I haven’t stumbled across yet. I am finding that many cover D/s themes which isn’t something I’m into, so my goal for the coming year is to discover all the wonderful blogs without that focus.

Some blogs I have been particularly enjoying so far:

Top 100 Sex Blogs 2022 - Innocent Loverboy December 3, 2022 - 12:45 pm

[…] I think I’ve said elsewhere, I found it difficult to think of six blogs to nominate this year, since (at that point) a lot of the people I usually do nominate were either inactive, on […]


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