I believe in kissing

by Molly Moore
Man kissing womans neck

I found this on Twitter. Lady Cheeky posted it saying “Most sensual scene ev-er.” and she absolutely has a point. I have had it on my computer for a couple of months now and have watched it through quite a few times because it is, well, quite frankly mesmerising and makes me tingle with lust and longing. Apart from the ear bit, definitely no to the ear bit, but the rest, the rest is so fucking hot that by the time it gets to the end I am squirming in all the good ways. The only bit that doesn’t work for me is that he walks away and all I want is for them to carry on so I can watch them fuck.

I have been meaning to share this hear for a while now but then it was February Photofest and there was not a space for it but now there is. If anyone knows what or where this is from then I would love to know as I have been unable to find that out. Fair warning, if you watch this, you will want to kiss and be kissed, you will want hands and fingers and lips and necks and hair and lust and passion and breathless moments.

“I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.”
~ Audrey Hepburn

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Mosscat March 14, 2019 - 3:55 am

Oh lovely! I’m sitting at my desk waiting for some of the same….

Marie Rebelle March 14, 2019 - 7:37 am

Mesmerizing indeed! Like you, I say no to having my ear kissed, or licked for that matter.

Rebel xox

Ria Restrepo March 15, 2019 - 10:20 pm

Oh yes, so freaking hot! I originally saw this on Tumblr and reblogged it before the platform became all prudish. Sadly, I don’t know where it’s from or if it’s part of something longer. 😉

asrai March 23, 2019 - 2:08 am

It’s so sexy. I’ve loved this bit for a long time.

Boo September 6, 2020 - 7:57 pm

It’s one of the most sensual and erotic scenes I’ve ever seen. I’m with you on the ear thing, but it turns me into a bit of a gooey mess. It makes me ache to be touched with such gentle ferocity.


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