February Photofest 2017

by Molly Moore
February Photofest 2017 badge

Have you noticed that it is already nearly February? I have no idea where the last few weeks have gone but gone they have it is time to turn my attention to the month ahead and if you are a regular here you will know that means February Photofest

However if you are new here then let me explain.

February Photofest is an annual project that I created back in 2014 to share some of the many images that I have taken and which have yet to be published and also to push me to create more. It really started when I decided to stop doing my Christmas Advent Calendar. I wanted the challenge of doing something every day for a month but I didn’t want to have to do it for Christmas.  The challenge is to post an image everyday for whole month of February. Yes I did pick February intentionally because it is the shortest month of the year but also because it tends to be a quiet time of the year for me that was before I took over Eroticon obviously. Even so I am going for it again this year, despite being swamped with Eroticon planning because I need something for me to balance that and to push me to still flex my creative muscles so to speak.

What to join in?

This is my little annual project of insanity but by some miracle, or maybe because there are some bloggers as crazy as I am, every year so far other people have joined in with February Photofest on their own sites and I am hoping that this year will be no exception. If you are returning February Photofestee then the rules are unchanged but please do remember to make a new category on your blog for the linky tool. Every thing you need to know about that, the rules for taking part and the linky tool can be found on the February Photofest Page.

If you are new to this insanity and want to join in then you are more than welcome. The more merrier as far as I am concerned but please do make sure you READ THE RULES PAGE FULLY. Anyone linking in who is not posting original content or who I suspect is not playing along with the community spirit of the challenge I will remove you from the linky tool.

No matter your level of photography skill though, you are more than welcome to join in. This is about having fun and exploring your creative photography side and so all levels of photography skill are welcomed.

Some ideas to help you

What you post for your February Photofest is absolutely up to you but to help keep you going then here are some suggestions of other meme’s you can use to help give you some structure to your project.

Sundays – Do I need to mention Sinful Sunday? Check it out if you don’t already know about it but it is all about the image and the perfect place to link your Sunday Febphotofest images into as well. Don’t forget the 1st Sunday in Feb will also be the prompt weekend.

Mondays – Check out Kayla Lords Masturbation Monday. Sometimes I have used her visual prompt to create my own version or if your Monday image inspires a post that is about masturbation or could inspire masturbatory thoughts then link in to her as well.

Wednesday’s – The 1st of February is a Wednesday so why not link your post into Rebel’s Wicked Wednesday meme. She posts the prompt for the week on a Saturday so that might inspire an image but you don’t have to follow her prompt and so no matter what you do I know she will happy for you to link into that as well.

Thursdays – Throwback Thursday was originally inspired by Penny back in 2014 when she included it in her FebPhotoFest. The idea is to find an image from the past, one that you have posted previously, and re-edit it in some way. Maybe if you posted a black and white you could post the original colour image, or vice versa. Basically anything goes but it is fun way to bring old images back into the limelight.

Fridays – If you are in possession of boobs or have access to boobs, consensually of course, then you might want to think about making boobs the focus of your Friday image and linking into Hyacinths Boobday meme. I know she will be delighted if you do.

There are other writing prompts around such a Flash Friday and Kink of the Week that are not day specific but that might help to give you inspiration for your images. You could also collaborate with other bloggers or friends. Maybe swap images with another person joining in or guest posts from someone other than yourself are also permitted.

None of this is compulsory by they way, these are merely just suggestions to help you organize your month and hopefully inspire you. Join in with them, or not, as you see fit. Apart from posting an image a day it really is up to you what you do.

A word to my subscribers

If you subscribe to my blog please be aware that you are going to get more emails from my site than usual. One every day in fact. Apologies in advance if this is annoying. Last year I turned them off and only sent them out once a week but had so many people contacting me saying they didn’t like it that I turned it back on again. I will understand if you unsubscribe as a result of such an influx of messages from me but I do hope that the lovely visual treats will make up for any annoyance at the increase number of emails in your inbox.

7 Days to go!

You have a week to get yourself organised if you want to join in with this crazy scheme. If you have any questions or need any help with setting up the category link for the link tool, (this is all covered on the rules page) then feel free to get in touch. Most of all remember this is meant to be fun, enjoyable and inspiring but it also a challenge which, I warn you, will give you moments of questioning why you decided to join in but on the 28th of February when you publish your last post you will look back on it with a huge sense of achievement and hopefully think it was worth it.

February Photofest 2017 badgeWicked Wednesday badge

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Marie Rebelle January 25, 2017 - 9:30 am

I better get myself organized for this. In the last years I always had an idea of what to do, but this year I am a bit at loss for ideas. No matter what, I AM joining in again! Thanks for hosting, Molly, and thanks for including Wicked Wednesday as a link suggestion 🙂

Rebel xox

Molly Moore January 25, 2017 - 7:02 pm

I look forward to seeing what you do with it this year. As usual mine will be random


Rebecca January 25, 2017 - 2:22 pm

I shall look forward to seeing your February Photofest x

Molly Moore January 25, 2017 - 6:59 pm

Haha, me too… I always fly by the seat of my pants for this one


Parallelsecrets January 25, 2017 - 6:08 pm

Tempting but could I keep it up all month. Oh missus ?

Molly Moore January 25, 2017 - 6:59 pm

Haha, well there is one way to find out


Lord Raven January 26, 2017 - 12:21 pm

oh I do like a challenge, and since we did just get a new camera from my dear friend I think I might just have to find a way to join in for the upcoming month

julie January 26, 2017 - 8:53 pm

I will be joining in and completing the task this year. Just got to try to get ahead over the next few days!

I am SO not ready!

ancilla ksst January 27, 2017 - 11:04 pm

I am going to do the February photofest, but I don’t understand the rules at the part when it says choose a category.

Molly Moore January 28, 2017 - 12:08 pm


As you are on blogger I think you need to create a new ‘label’ as opposed to a category. This link should explain how to do it



ancilla ksst January 31, 2017 - 2:16 pm

I have it now, thank you! I have been building up a store of new pictures to choose from as well, and my Master helped.

A Month of Celebration - Rebel's Notes May 8, 2020 - 10:22 am

[…] where I was prepared in previous years, this year I was not. When I saw Molly’s post about the February Photofest 2017, I sort of panicked and almost decided not to take part this year. Then I remembered: I have just […]


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