Three weeks to go until the Eroticon weekend, guess I better get my act together and actually plan my two sessions! In the meantime, whilst I slave away on those, lets talk meet and greet introductions and more importantly Friday night pre-conference drinkies!
Name: Molly Moore
Twitter id:
Must attend Eroticon 2013 session: Really, I have to pick just one? Seems terribly unfair…. I shall do my best to try to be in the two sessions I am running, I really have no desire to attract the wrath of the beautiful Ruby Kiddell but apart from that wild horses (although wild sexy woman might stand a vague chance) would not keep me away from Creative writing 2 : The Lens of Eroticism: Romanticism with a big R & Eroticism with a big E. Remittance Girl AND Diversity 2 : Polyamory 101 : Lori Smith : Amanda Jones. Hmmm that appears to be 2 sessions, oh well, bite me!
Bloggers you’d like to be trapped in the lift with: Lori Smith, Remittance Girl, Harper Eliot, and Ruby Goodnight… Quite simply because the conversation while we waited to be rescued would mean that rescue would be the last thing on our minds.
Erotic writer you’d like to write dramatize your life story: The best person would be my husband as he is the one true expert on the subject of Molly Moore but as I suspect he would decline the offer then it would have to be me. It is my story after all.
Expected biggest fangirl / fanboy moment: I have a whole list of people I can’t wait to meet in real life. Putting names to faces and cementing friendships made on-line was one of my favourite bits of last years conference and I hope that will be the case again this year. I am not much of a fan person I just love meeting people so PLEASE if you are going come find me and say Hi, I can assure you I want to know who you are.
What keeps you awake at nights? Whips and chains, cuffs and collars, cum and cock….. and if it none of those things then it will be my never ending to-do list!
To see who else is coming to Eroticon 2013 check out the Meet and Greet Link up page
Right, now that is done with let’s talk Friday night pre-conference drinks. After much searching for a venue that will not be stuffed to gills with city suits or theatre goers we have decided to plump for the very, ummm….. glamorous? location of the Novotel Hotel Bar on Blackfriars Road from 7.30pm onwards until bedtime which if last year is anything to go by, will be around 11ish!
Pre-conference drinks
Date: Friday 1st March 2013
Location: Novotel Hotel Bar on Blackfriars Road – 46 Blackfriars Road, LONDON, SE1 8NZ
Time: 7.30pm
Dress Code: Clothes!
Please do come along, regardless of whether we have meet before or not you will be welcomed. It will be an informal chance to get to know some faces and make some new friends and acquaintance’s before the conference actually kicks off on the Saturday! If you want to get in touch me with me before hand or have questions or need help with directions then you can find me on twitter or email me [email protected]. I also have a very modern thing called a mobile phone the number of which I may well part with if you want someone to call on the night if you are feeling particularly nervous or lost!
Until then…
We so wish we could go to this!
Looking forward to seeing you again and thank you for setting up the Meet & Greet evening!
Love the lift! I think I know who I’ll be hanging out with at Eroticon (in between the mingling).
And yes, as Mina said, thank you for arranging Friday night. Can’t wait!
Holy cow that is a good elevator!!! Can’t wait to see everyone there. Thanks for setting this up. 🙂
[…] they have only been speaking to online. But, to ease the tension of that, Molly has arranged for pre-conference drinks on Friday night. Everyone is […]
[…] we might only do the whisky shopping on Monday morning. Then, on Friday night there will be pre-conference drinks, which has been arranged by Molly. I really look forward to meeting a lot of the people who will […]