23rd April
I have entered the Adult Blog Awards sponsored by SexShop365.co.uk. The prize is a rather impressive £500 worth of sex toys and goodies. Can you image the fun I would have with that? Seeing as I currently on my own whilst I wait for Sir to return I think I would be a worthy recipient and I promise to share them with you, in my many photographs I take, if I win.
So if you like my blog, please cast a vote for me by clicking on the button below or the one in my side bar, it will take you to another page and you all you need to do is click the green button to vote for me, because it is so clever it will know you have cum from me! LOL
I think you can vote once a day from any given IP address so if you log in from different location don’t forget you can vote again!
So go on, you know you want to, give my button a little click for me
1 comment
I’m a voting!