I can’t wait

by Molly Moore

28th May 2010

Are you looking forward to Vegas Slutmine?

Yes Sir, well….ummm….yes, I mean Vegas will be wonderful but what I am really looking forward to is…..

It is one week today until I am back by his side, back in his arms where I belong and I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see him properly again, to be able to touch him, look into his eyes, feel his arms round me, kiss him and be kissed. I can’t wait to work off my points, to lay with him, to be used and abused by him. I can’t wait to cum for him, on his fingers, mouth and especially his cock. I can’t wait to go out to dinner together, to walk, talk and laugh together. I can’t wait to smell him, taste him and feel his skin on mine. I can’t wait to sleep with him and wake with him, shower and bathe with him. I can’t wait to feel the sting of his hand on my arse, or his teeth biting into my flesh. I can’t wait to feel his cum drying on my skin. I can’t wait to see the marks he will leave on my body. I just can’t wait!

But wait I shall have too, but only 7 days left. This time next week I shall nearly be there. I shall be riding a Virgin across the Atlantic. I have never ridden a Virgin before, what fun we shall have together and how I enjoy thanking her for taking me safely to Vegas. Am I looking forward to Vegas? Well of course I am, I mean this is Vegas we are talking about, but to be really honest, Vegas is just the icing on the cake and the cake is actually the most important bit. The cake is already pretty close to perfect, the icing, in this case Vegas, just makes the cake look that extra teeny bit more exciting, but it’s the cake that counts. For what is icing without cake? It’s a bit like Fish without chips, or lungs without air, or strawberries without cream or Dom without Sub. They need each other, only in the case of cake less so, because even without icing the cake can be pretty perfect and so, Vegas is going to be special for sure, but then anywhere would be special as long as we are together.

AND I JUST CAN’T WAIT………………………..


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