January 1st 2010
So it’s a New Year, 2010, a new decade too. Where the fuck the last one went I am not sure. Seems like only yesterday we were watching Tony and Cherie belting out Auld Langs Syne in the Millennium Dome with the poor old Queen looking like she wished she’d stayed in and enjoyed a quiet night with Prince Philip and the Corgi’s and now here we are 10 years on and luckily no longer having to endure the Blair’s, although we still appear to be paying them.(another rant for another day I suspect)
When I finally woke this morning, at midday, (does that count at waking in the morning?) I was greeted with bright sunshine and a thick frost. If I’d been allowed to order a day I could not have done better and quite frankly it matched my mood. I felt happy, calm, contented, dehydrated…..LOL…..and ready! Ahhhh, I hear you say, A girl who is ready, mmmm, well yes, I admit to being a pretty ‘ready’ sort of girl but on this occasion it was not just the ready willing and able type of ready but the ready for anything ready.(Damn, too much readiness I think)
So ready for what Molly ? I hear you ask, well ,ready for my future, whatever it may bring. 2010, the year of the tattoo, the year of more writing, the year of some travel, the year of meeting some important people in my life, the year of my true submission, and the year of the divorce…….*does little happy dance! And that’s naming just a few of the things on the list for 2010
Along the way, I hope there will be fun frolics and laughter, friendships and maybe love too but, I not a fool, and I know there will also be tears, heartache, worries and pain(although I think the pain with submission part should go in the happy section….LOL) and so it seemed a good a time as any to start Molly’s daily kiss…..although I was toying with calling it the ramblings of a slut……LOL, but didn’t want to attract the wrong crowd!!(*looks around the crowd and thinks…..oh no, wrong crowd!)
But be warned, Molly’s Daily Kiss could be anything from a peck on the cheek to a full on snog with tongues, so pucker up people and lets see what 2010 brings. After all it’s a new dawn……and I’m feeling good…..