Get Here

by Molly Moore

16th October 2010

Someone asked me (thank you JuanCafe13) this question on Twitter earlier today, “What is the first thing you are going to say when you finally see him?” and my reply was, “Oh that’s easy…..I love you!” but since giving that swift reply I have been pondering the question some more.

In case you don’t already know, He arrives on Saturday morning at Heathrow airport and I shall be there to meet him, we have been apart since August, 4 long months of separation have been endured and now, as I sit here writing this, there are only 4 more days left until we are back together again.

Thanks to the powers of the internet we have spent most of those 4 months on Skype together, talking, laughing, sleeping, watching movies, hanging out, working and just being together as best we can, but it’s not like being REALLY together. It’s a form of torture really, I can see him and I can hear him but I can’t touch him, or smell him or feel his touch on me. Sometimes the need for those things are so strong that I find myself vainly reaching out to my screen, imaging that just for a moment, he is actually physically right there in front of me. Those moments can be agony, the need in me to touch, or be touched, are almost crippling. See what I mean about torture?

However, this is the home straight now, did I mention he will be here in 4 days, and the waiting will be over again for a while. I am so excited, not only will we be back together but he will be HERE, in my country, in my home and in my bed, which will instantly become His bed.  We have so much planned, he will be here for 8 days, 3 of which we are going to be in Paris (a work thingy for him, thank you work!) we are going to cook together, eat together, laugh, watch movies, spend time with my children, go to Erotica (more on that soon I hope) and sleep in each other’s arms. He is going to cook me my very first Thanksgiving dinner and I am going to cook him some good old English grub and most of all we will be TOGETHER, physically together not just mentally together.

So what am I going to say to say to him when I finally stand in front of him again on Saturday morning? I am yours? Thank God you are finally here? I can’t believe you are finally here? Did you have a nice flight? Shall we do the crossword? Kiss me? Touch me? Do you like my outfit? If past reunions are anything to go by, I suspect that it will be a jumbled mess of all these things, none of which will really make any sense because they will muffled by the passionate kissing and possible tears of joy but it won’t matter because the he will be here and that moment won’t be about words, that moment will be about touch.


PS…I have finally decided what I am going to wear to the airport on Saturday. I am not going to tell you now, it’s going to be a surprise, but I will reveal all in due course.

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V November 16, 2010 - 1:12 am

Hehehehe… I’m almost as giddy as you Molls.

I can’t stop grinning for you… and I KNOW things will work out.

Love you

slave alisha November 16, 2010 - 2:35 am

I hope you two have a beautiful time together. I am excited and happy for you. hugs


Juancafe November 16, 2010 - 10:28 am

What a awesome answer to such a seemingly easy question. I’m sure the words will flow from you when see Him.

LambChop November 16, 2010 - 9:36 pm

I am SO BEYOND EXCITED for you both!! 😀

urbanvox November 17, 2010 - 2:05 am

I’m not going to even pretend to say I know how you feel…
I haven’t seen my love since yesterday morning… but we spend most of our weeks appart… it hurts every time I go away… it hurts every time we are separated… every time we are on skype…
So maybe I can relate.
Enjoy your time together!!!!



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